Board & Committees

2024-2025 Board of Directors


  • Architectural Review Committee
    • Ed Katz
    • Craig Cohen
  • Compliance Committee
    • Craig Cohen
  • Grievance Committee
    • Ed Katz, Chair
    • Sally McEllin

  • Landscape Committee
    • Jennifer Trentham
    • Andrew Hamilton
    • Anne Fennell
  • Website & Bulletin Committee

  • Flag Attendants
    • Ricky Gilmore
    • William Dahl

Board & Committee Information

Board of Directors

President: The President shall be the chief officer of the Association. He shall have all of the powers and duties that are usually vested in the office of president of an association.

Vice President: Vice President is asked to oversee and be in charge of any special projects for the Association and oversee certain committees while serving on the Board. The Vice President remains flexible, ready to pitch in, not only in the President’s absence but in whatever capacity that can contribute to help keep things operating smoothly.

Treasurer: The treasurer is the custodian of the funds, securities and financial records of the association. When the association has a manager or management company that actually handles the funds on a daily basis, the treasurer’s duties will include overseeing the appropriate people to insure that the financial records and reports are properly kept and maintained. Unless the by-laws otherwise specify, the treasurer is responsible for coordinating the development of the proposed annual budget and for preparing and giving the annual financial report on the financial status of the association. The treasurer will ultimately be responsible for insuring that the financial records of the association have been maintained properly in accordance with sound accounting practices.

Secretary: The secretary of the association is responsible for keeping and maintaining a record of all meetings of the Board and membership and is the custodian for most of the official records of the association. The secretary also maintains bulletin board with notices of every Board Meeting and any other information that is useful to the committee. He/she will reserve the meeting room and notify all Board members as well as the Management Co. He/she will review printed minutes of the previous meeting provided from the Management Co. Maintain an internal directory (coordinate with MGT CO.) Owners, Renters, address, phone, and email address. He/she will also send community alerts by email blast when necessary and maintain Aberdeen Phone Directory Yearly. He/she will maintain gate records (access & phone directory) and call or email Gate Company as needed for repairs as well as email Gate Company to add or delete bar codes and cards. He/she will also replace and order new bar codes and supplies from gate co as needed as well as respond to residents phone calls and email request. Maintain security system as needed, review security system when damaged has been noted.

Director at Large: The Director at Large does not have any official duties. His job is to observe and input to Board meetings and in case of a tie vote his vote would break the tie.

Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee assists in reviewing and reporting violations in accordance with our governing documents, rules and regulations. Members of this committee must be able to remove themselves from personal and social considerations, evaluate objectively relative to Bristol Lakes Association’s governing documents, Board guidelines and Florida Statutes.  Continuous violations may be subject to fines. Any unresolved cited violations that may arise, the homeowner will have an opportunity to meet with the Grievance Committee

Grievance Committee

Disputes may arise among homeowners in Bristol Lakes and the enforcement of our Rules and regulations by the Management Co and or the Board of Directors.  The issues are varied – landscaping, noisy teenagers, vandalism, unpaid maintenance fees, dog owners not respecting front lawns, encroachment on common areas, etc.  The possibilities for neighborhood disputes are endless.  Parties to a conflict may include neighbor/neighbor, homeowners/Board or homeowners/management Company.

The Board of Directors having determined that it is in the best interest of all concerned to encourage the amicable resolution of disputes (grievances) without the emotional and financial cost of litigation, has established a grievance hearing procedure and  the grievance committee in order to resolve any future disputes. The Grievance Committee is by law, a group of HOA members which cannot be Board members or members of a Board Members Family that will be empowered by the board to resolve issues and mediate fines.  The grievance committee established by the Board can assist in managing conflicts that have escalated beyond resolution through friendly reminders notices sent from our Management Company. The homeowner dispute resolution hearing format will set the tone for helpful communication and a positive discussion of issues.

The Board’s grievance hearing rule will require the parties to share a written statement of issues and any documents prior to the hearing.  In some circumstances, the disputing parties may be able to resolve their differences before or immediately after the hearing, eliminating the need for a written report from the Grievance Committee.

This grievance procedure does not in any way alter an individual’s right to enter into legal procedures upon completion of the grievance proceedings.

Landscaping Committee

What the Landscape Committee Does

The purpose of the Landscape Committee is to make Bristol Lakes an attractive community for both the residents and potential home buyers.   To accomplish this, lawns, shrubs, and trees must be well maintained.   The lawns must be green and well-manicured, trees and shrubs must be properly trimmed.

To ensure a beckoning appearance, the committee works with a professional landscape company, hired by the HOA Board of Directors, to schedule mowing, trimming, fertilization, pest control, and irrigation system checks.  The committee also follows up with inspections to make sure all the work is completed properly and on time.

An important task of the Landscape committee is to work with home owners to resolve their landscape and irrigation issues.  The committee makes sure work orders and applications for landscape change approvals are completed in a timely manner.  Landscape changes must be in harmony with the overall appearance of the adjacent neighborhood neighbors.

Work Orders

The landscape committee urges Bristol Lakes home owners to continue using the landscape work order form posted on this site to resolve their landscape and irrigation problems. A copy of the work order goes immediately to the landscape committee for review. It is then assigned a number, and is forwarded to our landscaper for completion. The progress of the work required can be tracked by this number.  The work order system gives the committee capability to address your issue quickly.  The work order form should be used for landscaping issue.

Website & Newsletter Committee

The Web Site and Newsletter Committee monitors the pulse of the Community and broadcasts it to the residents. It is a two purpose committee, First duty is to create and maintain a Web site for the residents. This web site should answer any questions a resident has regarding the Finance, regulations, upkeep and appearance of Bristol Lakes. Our other responsibility will be to publish and maintain a monthly newsletter, The Bristol Lakes Bulletin. Although our community is small we can gain by posting useful information. We have contacts with other Associations who publish Newsletters and have very creative writers. This will allow us to publish a Monthly Newsletter for Bristol Lakes that will be available for you in your own home via e-mail for you.

Flag Attendants

This Committee honors our flag during the year and maintains the flag at Half Mast when an order comes from the President.